Legal Notice
Equicore Beteiligungs GmbH
Pochgasse 65
79104 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 - 761 - 296 29 000
Telefax: +49 - 761 - 296 29 099
Represented by Chief Executive Officer Christoph Ehlers
Register court: Local court Freiburg im Breisgau
Registration number: HRB 5609
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 UstG: DE 192435947
Dispute resolution: We are not obliged or willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer dispute resolution body.
Responsibility for journalistic-editorial content in the sense of § 18 para. 1 MStV:
Dr. Florian Ehlers, Pochgasse 65, 79104 Freiburg
© 2025/Equicore Beteiligungs GmbH